Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Being Malleable

So, here lately I've come to the realization that I have several beliefs which are in clear disconnect with my larger set of beliefs and which cause some of my ideas to completely contradict themselves.

I really appreciate I've been shown that what I believe about people sometimes is totally false. I think first off, I have a problem with judging people and their behaviors. Blame the psychologist in me, blame my jaded sense of reality, or just plain blame me. It doesn't really matter where the blame lies, it's a problem that I need to rectify.

My problem, overall, is setting people into tiers based somewhat on their actions but moreso on how they view life from what I think. It's pretty much foolish to do all this, because then one must follow this up logically by saying some people are better than others. Therefore, I reject that people should be set into tiers because I believe the truth is no one is better than anyone one else for any reason. I've tried to have both conflicting ideas, but that proves foolish. If no person is better or worse than any other, just different, then it's not the case that people can be placed into tiers. So, it's wrong of me to do and I'm going to strive to stop doing it.

Also, it's very hurtful to say to a friend that someone in particular is 'better' at something they do than they are. It must make them feel like they aren't good enough - also it's not a fair statement. I don't really know the truth of the matter; Who am I to make an arbitrary decision of who is better and who is worse anyway?

This counts for myself. I even set up people higher than me, believing them to have some understanding I don't, having access to something I don't, or being able to have a fuller life that I probably won't achieve. It's unrealistic, unfair, and silly. I reject this idea and I'm going to stop.

The only thing I have to share about myself which is the truth is this: I learn from my mistakes and change if at all possible.

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